Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lions and Tigers and Demons, Oh My!

First interest check! Weee~!

I've posted an interest check for this idea on a couple of other boards, but so far, no one has bitten, so I feel it might do me some good to try RPG. I hope no one minds too much if I cut and paste--It's easier than trying to remember all the things I had set out before.

Let's get to the matter at hand, shall we?


We see a lot of demons in roleplays and stories, big scary characters that get tossed around with little respect and used whenever the plot allows. But what I find much more interesting is how demons would interact with each other, particularly in a Hell that is not chaotic but a micromanaged bureaucracy, where rank is everything and murder is the only way to achieve it.

That sort of thing.

The thread would start out in an area called the "Sandlot," where young demons and damned souls with a lot of spunk battle it out to get a grip on the first rungs of the demonic ladder. Though some characters would coordinate with one another, the atmosphere would generally be one of backstabbery and violence. At least, except for the rare occasions when demons have to deal with emooootions.

I'm thinking there'd be an attainable goal of redemption for characters who start as damned souls, too, just to keep it interesting. Although I also think I'd make you sniff it out, because that seems like it'd be a great deal more fun than just telling you how to do it.

That's what I've got on the idea right now. Basically, demons being demons and murdering demons. Anybody interested in that concept at face value?

(Also, having a co-GM would be nice for this. Someone to bounce ideas off of, and to help me figure out the tab. Although I can't PM yet, so if you're interested in that position, I'd appreciate it if you'd post here.)


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