Thursday, April 12, 2012

How did this man lose 115 lbs? (Part 2) |

Sean Reveille, who appears in the photos above, lost 115 pounds in a relatively short period of time. This is part 2 of our interview with him.

4) How did you get into rope jumping and what do you like most about it?
I am a creature of habit, and I wanted a form of cardio I could stick to that I could do whenever, wherever, and without weather being a factor. ?Since I often find myself simply jumping up and down in my room while listening to rock or heavy metal music, I figured jumping rope was the natural way to go. ?I now own a few ropes, one of which I keep at work so that I can spend 20 minutes of my lunch break jumping rope. ?I wasn?t intending on doing it EVERY day at work, but it?s one of those things that gets really fun when you have the right background music to accompany it. ?So now I find myself doing it daily. ?They know me now as ?that guy who works out during lunch.? What I like most about it is the fact that it was totally natural to me. ?I had always just found myself pogoing up and down while listening to heavy music, just without the rope. Adding in the rope completed it.

5) I hear you like to squat. What?s your personal best and are you shooting for a specific goal?
My preferred form of resistance training is calisthenics. However, I make an exception for lower body. Squatting is one of my favorite things to do. I normally do 5 sets of 8-10 reps at the gym and for my final set I like to try to increase the weight. Monday this week I hit a new max. ?I did my last set with 225 lbs, which is a big milestone for me because it?s an even two 45 lb plates on each side of the barbell! I don?t really have any specific goal. ?I don?t like setting goals when it pertains to self-improvement because I see goals as stop signs. It means hitting a point and then saying ?okay, I can stop now.? ?And that?s just not how I am. ?As long as my legs don?t get so massive that I can?t fit into my riding leathers, I?m going to keep working on it.

6) What do you like to listen to when working out?
Well, on top of your typical ?gym rat metal? (Disturbed and other similar bands), I like to listen to a lot of film score tracks (typically the background music from epic battle scenes), and remixes of video game tunes. ?Yes, nerdy, I know! ?I also like listening to ?80s synth-pop bands, hard rock bands such as AC/DC, and Industrial metal such as KMFDM. ?My favorite genre of music is a subgenre of metal called Power Metal, but I find that it doesn?t make suitable background music for working out.

7) We hear from the medicine ball police that you like to toss those suckers around. What do you do with them?
Here?s another one that?s going to give away my nerdy background! Haha. I have a set of medicine balls ranging from 2 to 8 pounds that I purchased some time ago for use with a video workout program. ?I couldn?t stick to the program, however, so they gathered dust for some time. ?Then one day I got into a little argument with my sister about how the foods she is feeding her kids combined with their lack of activity is going to make them just like I was. ?I didn?t want to sit by and watch, so I started thinking of ways to get them exercising. I noticed my nephew was really into the show Dragonball Z and liked to pretend he was the characters from the show. So I gave him the lightweight medicine ball and had him imitate the movements characters make with their bodies when they perform their signature energy attacks, and then pushing/launching/throwing the ball into a wall and catching it as it came back to him. ?I put together a workout program for him based entirely on imitating his favorite Dragonball Z characters using this approach, just throwing medicine balls instead of firing mystical energy, and it ended up being a full, total body workout. It seemed so fun I figured I would try it myself, and I?ve been hooked ever since. I usually finish the medicine ball workout by doing static holding exercises with the 6 lb ball, holding it at arm?s length, arms fully extended, and slowly turning from side to side.

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