Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sony’s compact camera: worth the extra bucks

Published: Sun, July 29, 2012 @ 12:00 a.m.

Q. Do you have any information on the new, $600+ Sony pocket-sized camera that is getting rave reviews? I am not a pro but love taking pictures and need a pocket camera. I use movie mode often, and being able to take low-light night photos would be lovely. I hate flash for both for the washed-out look and the startling, intrusive quality when photographing people. It stinks for nature and buildings too. Is it worth it for me to spend the money for the new Sony, when other small cameras cost much less?

F.S., Pt. Richmond, Calif.

A. The camera you are referring to is the $649 Sony DSC-RX100. It is generating a lot of buzz and is selling out everywhere.

The 20-megapixel DSC-RX100 has a sensor far larger (in physical size, not megapixels) than any other compact camera and combines it with a sharp Zeiss zoom lens packed in a solid metal body small enough to fit into a pocket. It?s designed for serious photographers who want as little compromise as possible in a pocket camera, as well as well-heeled travelers and family shooters who want the very best.

The large sensor is what makes the DSC-RX100 unique in the compact class and is the reason for the price premium. Large sensors work well in low light and in good light pictures have a smooth, deep, natural look. Given the camera?s size and capabilities, the $649 price is warranted. The critical question is ?Is it worth it for me to spend all that money on the new Sony, when other cameras cost much less??

In your case, I think the DSC-RX100 is worth splurging for. Good pictures in low light without flash are important to you. With its large sensor the DSC-RX100 does this far better than any other compact camera. The large sensor, sharp lens, optical image stabilization, and 1080p AVCHD video recording make for top-notch video as well. If you buy anything less you are not going to get the results you want and won?t be happy. Though new cameras come out all the time, the DSC-RX100 is a very powerful tool and with its 20 megapixels, big sensor and sharp lens it will be useful to you for many years.

If low-light capabilities and video recording were not as important I would recommend taking a look at the Olympus XZ-1. It has a top-notch lens and internal processing that produces clear, sharp, colorful pictures without fuss. It retails for $399 and refurbs can be had for as little as $299. Unfortunately its 10-megapixel sensor is only about one-third the physical size of DSC-RX100 sensor and the video recording is only 720p Motion JPEG. This takes up more space on memory cards than the higher resolution 1080p AVCHD video of the DSC-RX100. I also find AVCHD to generally look better and playing back the movies is as easy as putting the memory card in the slot on your TV or Blu-ray player.

This isn?t meant to demean the XZ-1. I have tested the camera and simply love the way it works, the quality feel, and especially the outstanding images it produces with little fuss. For most people it would be more than enough, but your needs demand the DSC-RX100.

Contact Don Lindich at www.soundadviceblog.com and use the ?submit question? link on that site.

2012 McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Source: http://www.vindy.com/news/2012/jul/29/sonys-compact-camera-worth-the-extra-buc/

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For the bike freak comes the Rem lamp, which takes its inspiration from the handlebar and brake mechanism found on a countless number of the timeless two-wheeled vehicle. Squeeze the brake, and the light turns off. But don't worry, it's not all stop stop stop; squeeze again and the light comes right back. I suppose those without bikes might like this too, but good luck explaining why you own one of these and no 'cycle. [Khool] More »

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Prominent climate change denier now says he was wrong (+video)

Richard Muller, who directed a Koch-funded climate change project, has undergone a 'total turnaround' on his stance on global warming, which he now admits is caused by human activity.

By Neela Banerjee,?Tribune Washington Bureau (MCT) / July 30, 2012

This 2011 photo shows piles of coal at NRG Energy's W.A. Parish Electric Generating Station in Thompsons, Texas.

David J. Phillip/AP/File


The verdict is in: Global warming is real and greenhouse-gas emissions from human activity are the main cause.

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This, according to?Richard?A.?Muller, professor of physics at the University of California, Berkely, a MacArthur fellow and co-founder of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and hundreds of other climatologists around the world came to such conclusions years ago, but the difference now is the source:?Muller?is a long-standing, colorful critic of prevailing climate science, and the Berkeley project was heavily funded by the Charles Koch Charitable Foundation, which, along with its libertarian petrochemical billionaire founder Charles G. Koch, has a considerable history of backing groups that deny climate change.

In an opinion piece in Saturday?s New York Times titled ?The Conversion of a Climate-Change Skeptic,??Muller?writes:

?Three years ago I identified problems in previous climate studies that, in my mind, threw doubt on the very existence of global warming. Last year, following an intensive research effort involving a dozen scientists, I concluded that global warming was real and that the prior estimates of the rate of warming were correct. I?m now going a step further: Humans are almost entirely the cause.?

The Berkeley project?s research has shown,?Muller?says, ?that the average temperature of the earth?s land has risen by 2? degrees Fahrenheit over the past 250 years, including an increase of 1? degrees over the most recent 50 years. Moreover, it appears likely that essentially all of this increase results from the human emission of greenhouse gases.?

He calls his current stance ?a total turnaround.?

Tonya Mullins, a spokeswoman for the Koch Foundation, said the support her foundation provided, along with others, has no bearing on results of the research.

?Our grants are designed to promote independent research; as such, recipients hold full control over their findings,? Mullins said in an email. ?In this support, we strive to benefit society by promoting discovery and informing public policy.?

Some leading climate scientists said?Muller?s?comments show that the science is so strong that even those inclined to reject it cannot once they examine it carefully.

Michael E. Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, said?Muller?s?conversion might help shape the thinking of the ?reasonable middle? of the population ?who are genuinely confused and have been honestly taken in? by attacks on climate science.

On his Facebook page, Mann wrote: ?There is a certain ironic satisfaction in seeing a study funded by the Koch Brothers ? the greatest funders of climate change denial and disinformation on the planet ? demonstrate what scientists have known with some degree of confidence for nearly two decades: that the globe is indeed warming, and that this warming can only be explained by human-caused increases in greenhouse gas concentrations. I applaud?Muller?and his colleagues for acting as any good scientists would, following where their analyses led them, without regard for the possible political repercussions.?

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/zZHNvjGvzFk/Prominent-climate-change-denier-now-says-he-was-wrong-video

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Secrets of the 2012 NFL Season (Pt. 2)

Also see: Secrets of the 2012 NFL Season (Pt. 1)

* The Redskins offense sputters as rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III struggles to learn the nuances of offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan's playbook. Griffin is forced to scramble often, and the Washington offense finishes last in total offense in the league. Hence, the "III Yards and a Cloud of Dust" offense is born.

The 'Skins finish 5-11, last in the NFC East.

* Ben Roethlisberger throws for 4,254 yards and 30 touchdowns while enjoying an injury-free year. The Steelers finish 11-5 and capture the AFC North title over the 10-6 Ravens.

Roethlisberger also finds success in his foray into the home fixtures market after his retro "Emergency Exit" signs for upscale bathrooms appear in Home and Garden magazine.

* Jonathan Vilma, in an effort to patch his rocky relationship with Roger Goodell, invites the commissioner for a late-summer swim at Vilma's New Orleans' residence. Vilma's Olympic-size "Bounty Pool" features 12-feet depths, a 10-meter platform, and no water. Goodell politely declines, replying to Vilma in what has become a common refrain to the suspended Saints linebacker: "maybe next year."

This time, Vilma graciously accepts Goodell's decision, and spends much of his free time in his pool-side Jacuzzi, remaining in "hot water."

* Rams' second-round pick Janoris Jenkins, who failed two drug tests and fathered four children while in college, celebrates his contract, which contains a sizable signing bonus, by tweeting "I'm Due!" on Twitter. Days later, two of his female acquaintances tweet the same message.

Jenkins proves his worth to the Rams, earning a staring cornerback spot and leading St. Louis with six interceptions, two of which are returned for touchdowns.

* Miami's unsettled quarterback situation is a nightmare for head coach Joe Philbin, but a blessing for Chad Johnson, who finally has someone other than himself to blame for his lack of production.

Johnson records only 18 catches for 147 yards and 1 touchdown, but finds comfort in the fact that his entire season can be summarized in a single tweet, with room to spare.

In January, Johnson changes his surname to "Mismo Viejo-Mismo Viejo," which loosely translates to "Same Old, Same Old."

* The Lions enjoy a much-needed respite from a shaky 2-2 start with a bye week in Week 5. Detroit head coach Jim Schwartz, for the first time in 2012, mentions "a rest" with a gleam in his eye. The well-rested Lions go 9-3 over their final 12 games, matching the Packers for the NFC North's best record.

In the playoffs, the Lions' version of "The Drive" becomes legendary, when, after Detroit downs the Cowboys at Ford Field in the divisional round, Cliff Avril gets hammered and drives 14 miles home on icy roads, finagling his way through a police checkpoint at one point.

* Minnesota wide receiver Jerome Simpson makes a grand entrance after serving his three-game suspension, arriving for the Viking's flight to Detroit in week 4 in a FedEx delivery truck.

Simpson scores a touchdown against the Lions, but his season is cut short when he is arrested in late October on drug trafficking charges. Simpson again makes news when he "flips," this time when he turns states evidence and testifies against his Canadian supplier.

The Vikes complete a dismal year with a 4-12 record.

* British filmmaker and unlikely Jets fan Christopher Nolan directs a short film on the remarkable life of Antonio Cromartie called "Conception," starring Cromartie and his 12 children.

Cromartie later inks a deal to endorse BOSS brand men's belts, and stars in an ad campaign made memorable by the tag line "When you need to keep your pants on."

* In the Broncos' Week 5 contest at New England, Peyton Manning and Tom Brady duel to a near standstill, throwing for a combined 824 yards in Denver's 41-38 overtime victory.

However, defense rules in the rematch, in Denver in the AFC Championship Game, in which the Broncos stifle the Patriots 20-12 in a blizzard. The outcome turns on a controversial play in the fourth quarter, when Denver backup linebacker Wesley Woodyard sacks Brady, forcing a fumble. After a lengthy review, referee Walt Coleman rules that the "Tuck Rule" does not apply, and is a stupid rule in the first place. The Broncos take possession and score the clinching touchdown.

* Ravens kicker Billy Cundiff politely declines an invitation from the Tosh.0 show for a web redemption to make another attempt at his missed 32-yarder from last year's AFC Championship game. Cundiff, however, offers up a teammate, and Tosh.0 airs its first "Ladarius Webb redemption."

Webb's 11 interceptions lead the AFC, earning him a spot on the All Pro team. Cundiff pulls a short field goal in the Ravens' wild card round playoff loss to the Jets, and is forced to leave town in a moving truck bearing the license plated "Y'D LEFT."

* After struggling with his throwing mechanics early in the season, Tim Tebow is benched for the Jets October 21st game at New England. In response, the Boston Globe posts a controversial, doctored photo of Tebow smooching with a provocatively-dressed nun, accompanied by the headline "Bad Habit!"

The Globe later issues an apology, which Tebow accepts.

* Andrew Luck and the Colts race to a 4-0 start to the season, but quickly find trouble when the regular season begins on September 9th. Indy loses its first six regular season games while Luck struggles. The rookie quarterback, frustrated and unable to find a rhythm, pulls a "Vince Young" and briefly disappears, leading to the headline "Luck Runs Out" in the Indianapolis Star.

A phone call from Peyton Manning brings Luck back, and the Colts win six of their remaining 10 games to finish 6-10 in the AFC South.

Manning, for his part, finally receives a proper "thank you" from Colts owner Jim Irsay.

* Michael Vick's autobiography, "Finally Free," lives up to its title when it hits the bargain bin at book retailers in early October, just one month after its release.

Vick and the Eagles finish 9-7, tied for second in the NFC East, to make the playoffs. However, their season ends abruptly in the wild card round, as Vick is injured early in Philly's eventual 27-16 loss to the 49ers.

On his flight back home, Vick runs into actress Joan Collins and KISS lead singer Paul Stanley in the Philadelphia airport, where Vick engages in a legitimate discussion of "Dynasty."

* Detroit's Calvin Johnson amasses 112 receptions for 1,789 yards and 20 touchdowns, and easily wins the NFL's Most Valuable Player award. Johnson later becomes the first player to appear on the cover of two consecutive versions of the Madden NFL video game, and finishes a magical season by being voted "Dos Equis Second-Most Interesting Man in the World" contest.

* Troy Polamalu, who admitted he has lied about the number of concussions he's suffered, drops another bombshell when he declares that at least three have been as a result of locker room horseplay with James Harrison.

The Polamalu concussion controversy becomes such that Head and Shoulders is forced to release a statement insisting that their product does not, in fact, make one more susceptible to concussions.

* Mark Sanchez drops the ceremonial first puck in the New Jersey Devils home opener against Boston on October 13th . For the honor, Sanchez dons a No. 15 Devils jersey adorned with the name "Tebow" on the back. The jersey, the first to feature the name "Tebow" and the sign of a "devil," earns the nickname "Neutral Ice" and quickly becomes a top-seller in the Devils pro shop.

The Jets earn a wild card berth, finishing second to the Patriots in the AFC East, and lose to Denver in the divisional round.

* Trent Richardson plows his way to 12 touchdowns for Cleveland, quickly endearing himself to the Browns faithful, who dub him the "Dawg Pounder."

Richardson rushes for 1,256 yards and wins the AFC's Offensive Rookie of the Year award.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SportsCentral/~3/jCWDBeHOZ6k/secrets_of_the_2012_nfl_season_pt_2.php

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Romney voices aggressive stance toward Iran

Israel's President Shimon Peres, left, and US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney walk during a meeting at the President's residence in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. Romney would back an Israeli military strike against Iran aimed at preventing Tehran from obtaining nuclear capability, a top foreign policy adviser said early Sunday, outlining the aggressive posture the Republican presidential candidate will take toward Iran in a speech in Israel later in the day. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)

Israel's President Shimon Peres, left, and US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney walk during a meeting at the President's residence in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. Romney would back an Israeli military strike against Iran aimed at preventing Tehran from obtaining nuclear capability, a top foreign policy adviser said early Sunday, outlining the aggressive posture the Republican presidential candidate will take toward Iran in a speech in Israel later in the day. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, and US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney meet at the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. Romney would back an Israeli military strike against Iran aimed at preventing Tehran from obtaining nuclear capability, a top foreign policy adviser said early Sunday, outlining the aggressive posture the Republican presidential candidate will take toward Iran in a speech in Israel later in the day. (AP Photo/Lior Mizrahi, Pool)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney walks out with Israel's President Shimon Peres after their meeting in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney meets with Israel's President Shimon Peres, in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney meets with Israel's President Shimon Peres, in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? Mitt Romney would respect an Israeli decision to make a unilateral military strike against Iran aimed at preventing Tehran from obtaining nuclear capability, a top foreign policy adviser said Sunday as he outlined the aggressive posture the Republican presidential candidate will take toward Iran in a speech in Israel later in the day.

Romney has said he has a "zero tolerance" policy toward Iran obtaining the capability to build a nuclear weapon.

"If Israel has to take action on its own, in order to stop Iran from developing the capability, the governor would respect that decision," foreign policy adviser Dan Senor told reporters ahead of the speech, planned for late Sunday near Jerusalem's Old City.

Senor said Romney is careful to note the governor believes preventing nuclear "capability" ? not just a nuclear weapon ? is critical.

He later clarified his comments in a written statement, saying: "Gov. Romney believes we should employ any and all measures to dissuade the Iranian regime from its nuclear course, and it is his fervent hope that diplomatic and economic measures will do so. In the final analysis, of course, no option should be excluded."

Democratic U.S. President Barack Obama has also affirmed the right of Israel to defend itself, but in contrast to Romney, Obama has warned of the consequences of an Israeli strike on Iran.

"Already, there is too much loose talk of war," Obama told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in March. "Now is the time to let our increased pressure sink in and to sustain the broad international coalition we have built."

Pentagon officials have spoken publicly about the difficulty of such a strike and American officials have expressed concern about the destabilizing effect such military action could have in the region, even if carried out successfully.

Romney, like Obama, believes the option of a U.S. attack should also be "on the table." He has said he will do "the opposite" of what Obama would do in his approach to Israel.

"Make no mistake: the ayatollahs in Tehran are testing our moral defenses. They want to know who will object, and who will look the other way," Romney plans to say later Sunday in a speech in Jerusalem. "My message to the people of Israel and the leaders of Iran is one and the same: I will not look away; and neither will my country."

The Obama administration hasn't ruled out the military option, but Obama has so far been relying on economic sanctions and diplomatic negotiations to discourage Iran from building a nuclear bomb.

For its part, Iran says it is not interested in nuclear weapons and its nuclear program is for peaceful, civilian purposes.

The Israelis are considering a strike because they fear Iran could be moving its nuclear enrichment sites further underground, out of reach of the weapons Israel has available.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday welcomed Romney as "a representative of the United States" and told the Republican presidential candidate he agrees with his approach to the threat of a nuclear Iran.

Netanyahu said he listened to Romney's speech in Reno, Nev., where the likely GOP nominee said that Iran possessing nuclear capability is the greatest danger facing the world.

"Mitt, I couldn't agree with you more," Netanyahu told Romney.

"We have to be honest and say that all the sanctions and diplomacy so far have not set back the Iranian program by one iota. And that's why I believe that we need a strong and credible military threat coupled with the sanctions to have a chance to change that situation," Netanyahu said.

Romney's verbal support for unilateral Israeli military action represents a break from Obama administration policy.

Iran's nuclear program has become the most pressing problem for the U.S. and Israel and Republicans have consistently criticized Obama for putting too much pressure on Israel in the peace process and being too weak on Iran.

Obama rejects the criticism, and his aides point to what they call unprecedented U.S.-Israeli security cooperation.

Senor was previewing the speech Romney plans in Jerusalem after he spends the day meeting with Israeli officials.

Over the course of the day, Romney will confront some of the world's most difficult peace and security challenges as he looks to demonstrate to Jewish and evangelical voters back home that he's a better friend to Israel than Obama.

Romney faces high stakes as he begins his talks with top Israeli officials and meets with the Palestinian prime minister. Mindful of polls back home that show a tight presidential contest, the former one-term Massachusetts governor is looking to burnish his foreign policy credentials and prove his mettle as a possible commander in chief.

The trip is a chance for Romney to draw implicit contrasts with Obama and demonstrate how he would lead America on the world stage.

But Romney arrived in Jerusalem Saturday night after a difficult few days in Britain, where he made the mistake of criticizing the country's Olympic Games and raised the hackles of his hosts. The gaffe undermined the stated goal of his weeklong journey through Britain, Israel and Poland: emphasizing America's ties with longstanding allies.

Romney has pledged not to criticize Obama while on foreign soil, honoring longstanding American tradition of leaving politics at the water's edge. But his aide's announcement of Romney's willingness to express support for an Israeli strike while in Jerusalem represents an effort to contrast the two presidential opponents.

In addition to Netanyahu, Romney met with other Israeli officials and will also sit down with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

"Like you we are very concerned about the development of nuclear capabilities on the part of Iran and feel it is unacceptable for Iran to become a nuclear armed nation," Romney said at a meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres. "The threat it would pose to Israel, the region and the world is incomparable and unacceptable."

Romney planned to spend the evening dining at Netanyahu's home ? the Israeli leader invited Romney and his wife to break the fast for the Jewish holiday Tisha B'Av. The holy day, celebrated Sunday, commemorates the destruction of two temples in Jerusalem.

Romney and Netanyahu have known each other since both were young businessmen at Boston Consulting Group in the 1970s.

While Romney is left to implicit contrasts with his Democratic opponent, Obama has been focusing on Israel, signing legislation on Friday increasing military and civilian ties between the U.S. and Israel. And he authorized the release of an additional $70 million in military aid for Israel, a previously announced move that appeared timed to Romney's trip.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-07-29-Romney-Israel/id-ceaabe6724794107a19d743794f529fc

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Genealogy's Star: Expansion of the Family History Library Catalog

There have been a few comments about the utility and efficacy of the Family History Library Catalog. The online catalog is on the FamilySearch.org website and there is a link to the search engine on the startup page. What you may not have noticed is that the entries in the catalog have expanded to include items held in larger Family History Centers, now referred to as FamilySearch Libraries. For example, a surname book written by my Great-grandmother has always been in the Family History Library, but now, the catalog also shows a copy that is located in the Mesa Regional Family History Center (Mesa FamilySearch Library).

There may be some confusion for a while about the names of the entities holding the materials, but the locations are clear and the Family History Library catalog now tells the world that there is a second copy of the book in Mesa, Arizona. What it does not yet show is that the book was digitized by the Mesa FamilySearch Library about two years ago. But if the book had been cataloged as digitized, a link to the digitized version will show in the catalog.

The confusion about the names of the entities comes from a change in the names of the Family History Centers. The larger centers are now being called FamilySearch Libraries, the smaller centers are now called FamilySearch Centers. The geographical designations remain the same.

Source: http://genealogysstar.blogspot.com/2012/07/expansion-of-family-history-library.html

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Chick-Fil-A's Head Of PR Has Died Of A Heart Attack - Business ...

Sad news from Chick-fil-A.

Donald Perry, Chick-fil-A's vice president of corporate public relations, has died of a heart attack, according to WRBL News 3 in Columbus, Georgia.

He was a long-time employee of Chick-fil-A, and has often been a spokesperson for the company.

Here's the statement from Chick-fil-A:

"We are saddened to report the news to you that our dear friend Don Perry, vice president of public relations, passed away suddenly this morning.

"Don was a member of our Chick-fil-A family for nearly 29 years. For many of you in the media, he was the spokesperson for Chick-fil-A. He was a well-respected and well-liked media executive in the Atlanta and University of Georgia communities, and we will all miss him.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with his family."

NOW SEE: Meet S. Truett Cathy, The 91-Year-Old Billionaire Behind Chick-Fil-A >

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/chick-fil-as-head-of-pr-has-died-of-a-heart-attack-2012-7

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Jennifer Lopez Cites Motherhood As Her Most Important Gig

'You don't want to mess up there,' she tells MTV News about raising her 4-year-old twins.
By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Sway Calloway

Jennifer Lopez
Photo: MTV News

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1690535/jennifer-lopez-motherhood.jhtml

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Have you ever noticed or stopped at a worksiteAndoffice environment exactly where they happily screen the number of working hours or days since the very last significant unpleasant incident that cut off get the job done development or confronted member of staff safe practices? More than likely. Maybe you have seen equivalent or particular data viewed and communicated relevant to the last sizeable occurrence that damaged business enterprise take a trip or confronted business traveller?s safety? Most likely not.

Take a trip chance operations will not be, and should not, a take a position-by yourself or extra-normal threat mitigation method. It?s just a standardization between some or know work place, business office, and site health and safety prerequisites and objectives for employees. It?s just an extension cord to feature all mobile phone and touring people with concern, preparation, resourcing and assistance to maximise company performance, performance and safe practices as it relates to organization journey.

Any organization that doesn?t have a universal technique, which is including small business journey, is transmitting mixed mail messages thus to their employees and many probably unveiling them avoidably to conformity and law suit issues.

Even though the primary inspiration for vacation risk administration by means of health and fitness, safety and security changes, should not be submission and suit reduction, adopting the goal of much better and appropriate work place safety for many employees will clearly please take a help the best route to getting together with both these outcomes.

Increased overall of business office well being, safety and security

The struggle for skill is significantly from more than and among the list of considerations by quality value skill is the calls for and service connected with business enterprise traveling. Knowing of enterprise vacation wellbeing, safety and security has increased drastically nowadays but is still considerably more innovative compared to aiding journey threat administration programs and operations. Organisations of choice and people retaining very competitive rewards out there are already the first ones to undertake the principles with both equally real and intangible added benefits.

Generating phony type or protection requirements with a company is never click here ever a rewarding method, on the other hand malfunction to adequately assistance and take care of you small business vacationing people ends in exactly that. Tthere shouldn?t be apparent difference to tourists of the degrees of practical experience and standing while in the company?s business office safe practices components and arranging, when transiting originating from a set workplace/work environment to that of a mobile company traveling business office or vacation.

An easy standardization for those however to apply a functional travel health and fitness, security and safety technique are wise. People with existing solutions and operations only need make sure they remain extant and similar to the total firm business enterprise journey goals and societal or legitimate targets.

Much better Production, effectiveness and safety

Standard and useful organization extensive wellbeing, security methods have established and considerable organization gains.

Efficiency resulting from maintained enterprise vacation can higher considerably when inclusive of journey risk administration. Dropped several hours, waiting, disruptions, decreased function capacity and price containment are common by-products of vacation health, security by means of journey chance management.

Considering that many the overlap sections help and control organization vacation, just how much of squandering of resources and productivity supervision has never been noticeable in a single survey or finances critique. Substantial efficiencies is usually came to the realization if your overall system is standard to guide journey management, preparation, wellness, security. Compounding cost savings and printed investment can lead to thousands in capital kept or lso are-injected into the business.

Realization: Journey Wellbeing, Security and safety Positive aspects

The many benefits of take a trip chance control with regards to go overall health, safety and security need to definitely be clear to the company owner or administrator. While place of work safety consent does apply to business travel it is going to result in sizable company financial savings and value effectiveness if taken on properly, while conference or outperforming any conformity or organization?s social and legalised obligations. Objectively research your present-day go well being, security and safety methods particular to travel risk control and utilize capable of as strategies for make side by side somparisons or remedy any omissions on your processes quickly.

Source: http://historyquest.biz/guide-to-go-wellness-safety-and-sec/

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Comprehensive Dentistry Helps Patients Understand Technical ...

FAQs at Comprehensive Dentistry are Designed to Facilitate Patients for Better Consultation

Patients come and go but the technical language of dentists can create a lot of confusion. Some patients simply feel overwhelmed by their difficult to understand dental jargon. Obviously, technical dental words might seem normal to all dentists but it becomes difficult for lay people to understand what is happening. Comprehensive Dentistry solves this problem by assisting its patients to understand technical dental jargon with ease.

On its website, the company has made a separate section for patients to view. It consists of all Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that the company wants its patients to know the answer of. These questions are related to the frequently used jargon that dental patients might be unaware of. For instance, there are different types of teeth and each can have different dental names.

The spokesperson for Comprehensive Dentistry says, ?If a patient has no idea about what bridges and dental crowns are and what can they do to improve his smile, then he can get the answer by visiting the website. Since the purpose of dental crown is to cover chips and cracks, the patient can know this from visiting the website. The next time he visits the dental clinic for consultation, he will not feel uncomfortable with dental terminology?.

?Being a Canberra dental surgery clinic, it provides its patients answers to questions and concerns that are related to veneers, bonding, teeth whitening, bridges, etc?, the spokesperson adds further.

In order to know how Comprehensive Dentistry works, patients can contact the company by choosing an option. They can either submit an enquiry or request for an initial consultation. Both of these options are available on the company?s website. However, it requires them to fill an online form to get an appointment for consultation. All they have to do is to specify a convenient time and day.

Comprehensive Dentistry is a Canberra dental surgery clinic located in Queanbeyan. It is known for its professional dentistry that is focused on preventive dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and restoration. Due to the company?s utilization of modern techniques, patients can get maximum satisfaction in an environment which is relaxed as well as friendly.

With cosmetic dentistry, various procedures are offered by Comprehensive Dentistry so that its clients can enhance the look of their smile. In addition, the company strives to serve people by maintaining global standards along with providing enhanced customer service to them.

Comprehensive Dental Care
213 Crawford Street,
Queanbeyan NSW 2620
TEL: +612 6297 1303
EMAIL: care@comprehensivedentistry.com.au
WEB: http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com.au

News from ReleaseWire.

Source: http://www.releasewire.org/07/2012/lifestyle/health-fitness/comprehensive-dentistry-helps-patients-understand-technical-dental-jargon/

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Peter Bogdanovich: What if Movies Are Part of the Problem | The ...

Jul 25, 2012

Peter Bogdanovich is a legendary film director and a great historian of film. He is one of the people wondering if there is too much violence in film. ??I?m in the minority, but I don?t like comic book movies. They?re not my cup of tea. What happened to pictures like How Green Was My Valley or even From Here to Eternity? They?re not making those kind of movies anymore. They are either making tentpole pictures based on comic books or specialty pictures that you pray someone will go see. ?The fact that these tentpole movies are all violent comic book movies doesn?t speak well for our society.?

Read more at hollywoodreporter.com.

Source: http://theinterrobang.com/2012/07/peter-bogdanovich-what-if-movies-are-part-of-the-problem/

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Phil Stutz, M.D.: Design for Loving: A Killer in Business, a Disaster in Love

Amanda was a fashionista, struggling to launch her own clothing line. In her early 20s, razor-thin, and strikingly dressed, she certainly looked the part.

In business Amanda was, in her own words, "a killer," with a strong sense of entitlement, the sort of patient who is surprised when I ask her not to take calls on her cellphone during a session. Unfortunately, Amanda behaved with the same demanding selfishness in her romantic life.

On the face of it, Amanda's boyfriend Blake was the perfect partner for Amanda and her volatile moods. Blake was handsome, refined, easygoing and had his own strong sense of self (he was a successful medical researcher). They'd been together four months -- a long-term commitment by Amanda's standards -- but they were in the middle of a make-or-break fight when she came to see me.

The quarrel began at a party where Blake ignored Amanda and spent the evening talking to another woman. Enraged, Amanda took him to task on the ride home -- but Blake defended himself. He hated these parties she dragged him to where she trawled for backers for her new company. So what if he'd found someone he enjoyed talking with and had a good time for once?

By the time they reached home they were no longer speaking. But Amanda was still thinking -- and all her thoughts were about the injustice she'd just gone through. Like a broken record, her mind repeated justifications for her rage and hatched plans for revenge -- like sleeping with a GQ model she knew. She stayed awake all night compiling a litany of everything about Blake she couldn't stand, from his favorite sweater to the way he cleared his throat.

"Have you had this kind of reaction with previous boyfriends?" I asked her.

"Only when they deserved it," Amanda shot back, and burst into tears.

It turned out every one of her relationships had ended the same way. After a couple of months (or even weeks) the guy would do something to offend Amanda that she'd escalate in her head. "I can't love the person any more. I can't even stand to be in the same room with them. My friends call it my 'point of no return.'"

Amanda's rages affected her business ambitions too. She'd already screamed at a buyer for a major department store over a series of perceived slights, lost the order and spent months trying to woo him back.

In each situation, it didn't matter if Amanda was right or wrong. Her problem was that she'd reach a state of obsession with the person who'd "mistreated" her. It was as if the person had moved into her head and pitched a tent. While she fixated on how badly they'd acted, and how she'd even the score, life was passing her by.

We call this state the "maze" because once you're in it, it's almost impossible to free yourself. Amanda was an extreme case, but everyone, even the calmest and most rational among us, gets trapped in the maze. We're led there by a universal human expectation that the world will treat us fairly. This is the fantasy of a child. When the scales of justice don't get balanced on the spot, it leaves us in a private hell of rage and retribution.

There's only one way out of this trap; we need to live by a principle more powerful than fairness. We need to accept other human beings in the condition they're actually in -- especially when their behavior offends us. The force that creates this acceptance is love. But it's not easy to love someone when your natural inclination is to hate and hurt them.

This kind of love isn't the result of changing your opinion about them; it's love you generate despite your opinion. That requires a tool. We call it "active love" because it takes effort, but the beneficiary of this effort is you. When you fully accept someone as they are, you have no further expectations of them -- only then are you freed from the maze. You can begin to live again.

For more by Phil Stutz, M.D., click here.

For more on relationships, click here.




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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/phil-stutz/relationship-advice_b_1699601.html

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Apple denied Galaxy Nexus and Tab ban in Germany

Apple denied Galaxy Nexus and Tab ban in Germany

Samsung is having slightly better luck in Munich than it is here the US in its ongoing legal battle with Apple. The high court upheld a previous ruling that Cupertino's patent relating to "list scrolling and document translation, scaling, and rotation on a touch-screen display" was invalid. The end result is that the Galaxy Tab 10.1N and Galaxy Nexus will stay on shelves in Germany, while Apple undoubtedly looks for a new avenue of attack against its primary competitor (one we presume will also be of the legal variety). The decision to deny an injunction against the 10.1N comes only two days after the same device passed a similar challenge in Dusseldorf, where the cosmetic design was the focus. Samsung was obviously pleased with the result, saying that it confirmed the company's position that its Android products did not infringe on Apple's IP. Cupertino, on the other hand, remained predictably silent. Of course, this war is far from over, and it's only a matter of time before a new ruling hands one of the two manufacturers another small victory.

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Apple denied Galaxy Nexus and Tab ban in Germany originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 17:40:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/26/apple-denied-galaxy-nexus-and-tab-ban-in-germany/

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More troops deployed, Games about sport and diplomacy

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain deployed 1,200 extra soldiers on Tuesday in a last-minute effort to bolster Olympic security while global diplomatic tensions started to play out among athletes and politicians three days ahead of the opening ceremony.

The additional troops, which took the military contingent at the 2012 Games to well over 17,000, were called in to cover an embarrassing shortfall left by private security group G4S, the world's largest by some measures, in the run-up to the Games.

The company caused a scandal by failing to meet its target for the number of guards it could provide, and on Tuesday said that it had deployed around 5,800 security personnel, still short of its revised objective of 7,000.

Police stressed that they were content with security arrangements for the greatest show on earth, which kicks off in Cardiff, Wales, on Wednesday with a football match between the women's teams of Britain and New Zealand.

"We've done all the planning, we've looked at the way in which terrorists have attacked in the past and we try to make sure that none of those could get through our security measures," said Chris Allison, Britain's national Olympic security adviser.

Hundreds of thousands of visitors have descended on London and a million extra people are expected in the city each day of the July 27-August 12 event, putting pressure on a creaking transport system, some of which dates from the 19th century.

Yet for all the grumbling by a notoriously critical media and Londoners braced for disruptions to their daily lives, the sense of excitement was palpable with the Games just around the corner and the sun shining brightly after weeks of rain.

Early buzz from Monday evening's technical rehearsal for the opening ceremony at the main stadium of the sprawling Olympic Park was positive, suggesting film-maker Danny Boyle's unusual, quirky and ambitious vision might just work.


Some 11 million visitors will witness the thrill of victory and despair of defeat as some of the world's greatest athletes, from Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt to U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps, battle for the ultimate prize in sport - Olympic gold.

Britons, buoyed by Bradley Wiggins' historic victory in the Tour de France cycling marathon at the weekend, are confident of another impressive medals haul after success in Beijing in 2008.

The Games will cost nine billion pounds ($14 billion) to stage, and in spite of criticism of the outlay during straitened economic times, officials have defended the spending as most goes into regenerating run-down east London for the long term.

As well as a flood of ordinary people, luxury yachts of the super-rich have moored close to the stadium. Expected dignitaries include Russian President Vladimir Putin, presidential candidate Mitt Romney and U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama.

Politics played out before the world's media as much as sport in the final countdown to kick-off, with a debate over how to mark the 1972 Munich attack by Palestinian militants that killed 11 Israeli Olympic team members moving up the agenda.

Security is already a sensitive issue in London. The day after the capital was awarded the 2012 Games, the city was hit by suicide bomb attacks that killed 52 people.

Widows of those killed in 1972 arrive in London on Wednesday to pressure Olympics organisers to mark the 40th anniversary of the tragedy, stepping up a long campaign to organise an official commemoration.

Romney joined the fray, saying he supported a minute's silence at Friday's opening ceremony, after Olympic chief Jacques Rogge paid a surprise tribute to the fallen athletes in London on Monday.


British Prime Minister David Cameron may use the Games, which unite world leaders, businessmen and celebrities as well as more than 16,000 athletes and 20,000 journalists, to press Putin over his ties to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Sources said he would accompany Putin to an Olympic judo match if the Russian leader attends the Games, and may urge him to drop his support for Assad's regime which is engaged in a violent conflict with rebels seeking to topple him.

In a reflection of the world they have left behind for the duration of the Games, participants from Libya and Egypt will represent the new face of the "Arab Spring" after uprisings ousted the old regimes.

Distance runner Guor Marial, a refugee from Sudan's civil war, is fighting for permission to compete as an independent athlete because his newly-established country, South Sudan, has not had time to create a National Olympic Committee.

Marial, who lost 28 members of his family in the war, has refused an invitation to run for Sudan, from which South Sudan split last year.

"For me to just go and represent Sudan is a betrayal of my country first of all, and is disrespecting my people who died for freedom," he said.

Syria's small Olympic team has arrived and is expected to compete but it was unclear how it will be received given the level of condemnation of Assad.


Around 30,000 people, including family members of the huge cast of men, women and children taking part, filled the main Olympic stadium on a balmy Monday evening for the first open rehearsal of the opening ceremony.

Most of them honoured Oscar-winning "Slumdog Millionaire" director Boyle's pleas for details of the event to remain secret and off the public pages of Twitter and Facebook.

The opening ceremony mastermind has voiced frustration at the media and members of the public who have leaked elements of the ceremony, which is inspired by William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest" and has a strong musical element.

What is officially known is that the first sequence recreates a pastoral idyll, complete with geese, sheep, horse and cart, fields, fences and a game of village cricket. The ceremony is expected to be artistic and intimate compared to the opening extravaganza in Beijing.

What the media has since leaked includes elements of the next "act" of the show, recreating the "dark Satanic mills" of William Blake, whose poem including this reference to the Industrial Revolution became an anthem to England.

Even at the full rehearsal there were key moments missing, and mystery surrounds both the location of the Olympic cauldron and the identity of the individual given the honour of lighting it in front of a television audience of more than a billion.

The crowd faced some travel delays on their way home late on Monday, underlining the logistical challenge London faces, to be made worse by planned strike action by passport officials and some train drivers on key Olympic dates.

The British government on Tuesday asked the High Court to block the strike action by the border staff union.

London's "Games lanes", reserved for Olympic officials, athletes, sponsors and the media, open on Wednesday, and are sure to spark more complaints, including from the city's famous black cabs.

Londoners have labelled them Zil lanes after the Soviet limousines given special privileges.

(Additional reporting by Emma Batha, Tim Castle, Avril Ormsby, Estelle Shirbon, Mike Collett, Mark Hosenball; Writing by Mike Collett-White; Editing by Peter Millership and Sonya Hepinstall)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/more-troops-deployed-games-sport-diplomacy-022425208--sector.html

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USDA says drought will push up food prices in 2013

CNBC's Jane Wells reports on the Midwest drought's impact on food prices.

By STEVE KARNOWSKI, Associated Press

??MINNEAPOLIS --?The record drought gripping half the country will help push food prices up by 3 percent to 4 percent next year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Wednesday.?

Milk, eggs, beef, poultry and pork prices will all be affected by the drought, which has pushed up prices for feed. Beef prices are expected to see the biggest jump at 4 percent to 5 percent. Dairy product prices are forecast to climb 3.5 percent to 4.5 percent; poultry and egg prices are projected to rise 3 percent to 4 percent; and pork prices are expected to rise 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent in 2013, the agency said.

"In 2013 as a result of this drought we are looking at above-normal food price inflation. ... Consumers are certainly going to feel it," USDA economist Richard Volpe said.

Normal grocery price inflation is about 2.8 percent, he added, so even at the low end of the projected range people will see their grocery expenses rise more than usual next year. The USDA kept its projected food price increase for 2012 steady at 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent.

The figures are the agency's first food price projections to factor in the drought, though farmers and others have been warning that prices will rise. The drought has sent corn, soybean and other commodity prices soaring in recent weeks as fields dry out and crops wither across much of the country's midsection.

Volpe said the drought is not expected to affect prices for fruits and vegetables. Most of those crops are irrigated. The USDA is projecting an overall 2 percent to 3 percent increase for all fruits and vegetables next year, the same as it expects this year.

USDA economists were aware of the drought a month ago when they did their last projections but didn't know how bad it would get, Volpe said.

"This drought was a surprise for everybody," Volpe said. "The USDA was forecasting a record year for the corn crop until this drought materialized. Now we're not going to get that."

Poultry prices will be the first to rise because of the drought because chickens and turkeys need only a few months to grow to market size, he said. Beef and pork take longer, and the agency actually revised its beef price projection for 2012 downward because producers are sending more cattle to the market at the moment as they reduce their herds in response to the drought, he said.

Meat and poultry prices are the most affected because feed prices represent the biggest part of their cost of production. Processed food prices are less affected by changes in commodity prices because ingredients typically make up just a fraction of their production costs.?

In St. Louis, Wednesday was the 16th day of triple-digit heat, and in Chicago residents not only faced the heat but also power outages from strong storms. NBC's John Yang reports.

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? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://economywatch.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/25/12953075-usda-says-drought-will-push-up-food-prices-in-2013?lite

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Austrian province suspends circumcisions amid row

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/austrian-province-suspends-circumcisions-amid-row-170405281.html

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Bayer in talks to sell diabetes device unit: paper

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany's largest drugmaker Bayer AG is in talks to sell its blood glucose meters business, Financial Times Deutschland reported, citing industry and financial sources.

The paper said on Wednesday Bayer had mandated Credit Suisse to handle the sale. It said parties interested in the business included France's Sanofi and Japan's Panasonic.

A spokeswoman for electronics group Panasonic denied it was looking at the business. Sanofi, Bayer and Credit Suisse were not immediately available for comment.

Sources had told Reuters in May that Bayer was considering the sale of the unit, which has annual sales of about 1 billion euros ($1.2 billion), as it offers few synergies with its other healthcare activities.

($1 = 0.8275 euros)

(Reporting by Maria Sheahan; Additional reporting by James Topham in Tokyo, Alexandre Boksenbaum-Granier in Paris and Edward Taylor in Frankfurt; Editing by David Holmes)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/bayer-talks-sell-diabetes-device-unit-paper-060018830.html

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Character Relations!

Forbidden Fruits

Everyone is falling in love with people they shouldn't... Will they find a way to make it work?


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[*] [b]Sebastian Walker:[/b] Symbol, and then write what your character feels about this character
[*] [b]Miu Phoenix:[/b] Symbol, and then write what your character feels about this character
[*] [b]Sayuri Mochizuki:[/b] Symbol, and then write what your character feels about this character
[*] [b]Nathan Stockholme:[/b] Symbol, and then write what your character feels about this character
[*] [b]Serene Kessel:[/b] Symbol, and then write what your character feels about this character

I thought that it'd be nice :]


?I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.?
? Robert Fulghum

?All I'm writing is just what I feel, that's all. I just keep it almost naked. And probably the words are so bland.?
? Jimi Hendrix

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