Thursday, July 12, 2012

Approaching Strangers With Your Homebased Business - MLM Unfold

homebased business

For some reason when network marketers turn to the internet to build their business. They completely lose side of the offline aspects of building a homebased business mainly to avoid the fear or objection. We all want more leads, more traffic and more prospects to engage with online but what about the people you encounter while you?re out running errands. By refusing to build your homebased business offline you?re leaving a huge amount of money on the table. Although prospecting offline can be intimidating for many network marketers, it all depends on how to approach people concerning your opportunity. Regardless if you are intimidated or prefer online marketing, I?m going to share with you my offline strategies when approaching individuals about my homebased business.

What a lot of struggling network marketers tend to do is lead with their homebased business, big mistake. You?ve probably heard or seen this numerous times on webinars or ebooks; don?t lead with your business, lead with value. The same applies when prospecting offline. One method I?ve learned and implemented ever since is to always lead with a compliment. Now I don?t always compliment or speak to everyone I come in contact with. If that person is rude or is having a bad day it?s best not to mention anything to that person. You wan?t to engage only with people who has a good attitude or seems fun to be around.

homebased business

How To Properly Invite To Your Homebased Business Presentation

I believe there is an art to inviting prospects to view a business presentation. I discovered this one day when I decided to do a little offline experimenting in the middle of Manhattan. Here was my approach when inviting prospects I encountered -

1. Ice Breaker ? To break the ice I always lead with a compliment. That doesn?t mean you must lie, be honest and genuine with complimenting someone. Compliment them on something nice that you notice, whether it be their smile, ear rings, shoes, outfit what ever makes them look good compliment it.

2. Ask Questions ? Now that you?ve broken the ice, start asking questions. The goal behind this to speak as little as possible about yourself, your prospect should be the only one talking and answering questions. What questions should you be asking? question like ? where are you originally from, where did you go to college/school, do you like what you do or how long have to been doing that. These are all questions I use consistently when I am pre-qualifying prospects.

3.The Invitation ? Now here is where people always blow it. They go good for a while and then some how mess up the invitation process by pitching their opportunity. The goal at this phase is to invite the prospect to see a presentation, this is how I invite my prospects and 9 out of 10 it?s successful.

Hey, I?m just throwing it out there. I?m currently working on a project and I?m looking for some key people to work with. Would you be open to looking into what I do if it didn?t interfere with what your currently doing?

Often times I get 3 responses 1. Nah or No Thanks 2. Ok, What Is It 3. Yeah, I AM. Most times I get a Yeah! depending if that person is looking for a opportunity. Now that I peaked their interest it?s time to collect their information and head for the door. This is how I close the conversation and you must sound urgent?when using this closing line -

OK cool, well I?m running kind of late to my clock meeting but tell you what. Give me your email and your phone number and I?ll shoot you a short video and if you like what you see, we can talk more, sounds good?

9 out of 10 this method works for me. The next time your out and talking to a prospect use this method to get the lead without sounding like your pitching your biz. The #1 mistake network marketers make is they end up speaking to much about the biz. The goal is to invite and leave the prospect immediately to avoid getting into any explanations. By using this method I?m confident that you?ll invite more prospects than chase them away. Remember to only speak to people who are in a positive mood, start with a compliment and ask questions to pre-qualify. By following these EASY SIMPLE steps you can approach any strangers with your homebased business.


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